Jun 17Liked by Marty Wilde

It seems to me that we most often fail when pragmatism and politics head in opposite directions. The border, as you’ve identified, is one of the clearest examples of this. An imminently solvable problem if “credit” for addressing the issue were taken off the table.

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When we talk about housing affordability, the elephant in the room is zoning and how those restrictions reduce the supply of housing. We can shift costs around all we want, but demand won't be fully met unless we rethink our priorities when it comes to plexes, townhomes, and apartments.

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Yes, I think there are definitely two parts to the problem - upfront costs are too high because of SDCs and timelines are too long because of zoning restrictions (and, honestly, allowing frivolous objections to hold up projects). Developers can take their money elsewhere, and, mostly, they do.

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How much is public opinion influenced by who yells the loudest and by media coverage of the loudest yellers?

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True. On crime and the economy, there's certainly evidence that, despite the objective indicators showing positive trends, subjective perceptions are that they are going badly. If I recall correctly, something like 70% of Americans have been misled into thinking the economy is poor, but over 2/3 say that their personal situation is good.

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You write about the left as though it's a single unit where everyone shares the exact same positions on the issues

It may be hard for someone on the right to understand that this is not the case.

Actually Biden just announced limiting the number admitted thru the asylum process.

So are you saying that the US is doomed to a fascist dictatorship if the evil left does not change its way? As for polling in general I don't put much stock in the numbers wlo a thorough analysis of methodology. How about something about how the right is losing votes because of their stand on birth control and IVF? Oh right that doesn't find your agenda

Usually find your posts to be fairly balanced but this time you missed the mark.

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Thanks for the feedback. Headlines are always difficult. Here, I'm trying to point out that some of the (far) left's positions are out of step with the voters, not that a loss is inevitable or that the right doesn't have the same problem with some of its positions.

As a point of clarification, the Biden Administration did not limit the number of asylees. It just established a presumption that those who enter outside of a port of entry during certain periods of time are not legitimate asylum seekers. As I understand it, if a potential asylee presents themselves at a recognized border crossing and claims asylum, the process remains the same as it has in the past.

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