Interesting thoughts. I like how it’s not inflammatory or one sided like everything on this issue is. Apparently you must take sides or you hate Israeli children or want Palestinian in children to suffer.

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I appreciate what you have written here on a very difficult topic. Your analysis makes sense, and you've broken it down in an approachable way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Dear Sir! I'm from New York and grew up with a lot of Jews and OTHERS! I wrestled Black guys and played Basketball and Football with EVERYBODY! I even had a friends Mom try to get me to Marry a Nice Jewish Girl! I even think their Religion is closer to Christianity than what most Evangelicals practice! But ONE THING I couldn't get past was their INSISTENCE THAT THEY ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE! Personally I don't think God really gives a shit about any of our Religions, it's just something we made up to screw with each other because SHE'S TOO FREAKING BUSY! We have FREE WILL! We get to figure it out but when it comes to Palestine we have to UNDERSTAND the DISGUST WE SHOULD HARBOR AT HOW STUPID THE FORMULATION OF ISRAEL WAS IMPLEMENTED and fix it! THE WORLD has to INSTITUTE A TWO STATE SOLUTION, ESTABLISH HARD BOUNDARIES AND ENFORCE THE PEACE WITH THE UNITED NATIONS and kick ass when somebody tries ANYTHING! We have to do this BECAUSE THE JEWS AND PALESTINIANS SEEM TO BE TOO STUPID OR HATEFUL TO GET IT DONE! We're tired of their BULLSHIT! All PEOPLE are EQUAL! Stop playing to the POLITICS OF THE LAST ATROCITY!

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"keep the fight as clean as possible"......cutting off water, power, food and hitting a hospital

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I'm guessing some people will be displeased by your analysis. I thank you for it. Keep telling the hard stories.

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Thanks Marty. I so appreciate your perspective and experience. Joseph and I agree with your assessment of the situation, as do some of my Israeli and Palestinian friends. Thanks also for your candidate recommendations re our local and state elections.

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