I hope this note finds you well. And I hope you’re staying cool this summer. I try not to send out too many e-mails, but a short notice opportunity has arisen.
1. Opportunity
Lane Transit District (LTD) is seeking Lane County candidates — by Friday, July 15 — to fill 3 positions on the LTD Board of Directors expiring at the end of this year:
Subdistrict 3 (currently represented by Don Nordin) includes southeast Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, and Lowell.
Subdistrict 4 (currently represented by Emily Secord) includes the River Road neighborhood, Santa Clara east of River Road, the Ferry Street neighborhood generally west of Coburg Road, and the City of Coburg and surrounding areas.
Subdistrict 6 (currently represented by Caitlin Vargas) includes the Bethel/Danebo neighborhood, Santa Clara west of River Road, and Junction City and surrounding areas.
I stand with transportation leaders at Better Eugene Springfield Transportation as BEST urges the Governor to appoint community leaders with oversight experience; persons who are committed to serving the public interest.
Are you ready and willing to step and serve? Click here to learn more: 3 openings on LTD board of directors: Governor Kate Brown seeks interested leaders to apply by July 15 - BEST (best-oregon.org)
To be considered for appointment to the LTD Board, applicants must submit an Executive Appointments Interest Form by Friday, July 15. This can form can be found on the Web by following this link. The Governor’s Office of Executive Appointments will forward the Governor’s recommendation(s) to the State Senate for consideration.
If you have any questions about this appointment process or LTD Board meeting logistics, please contact our office or the Clerk of the LTD Board at clerk@ltd.org or 541-682-6103.
2. Gratitude.
I want to express my deep appreciation to the Refugee and Immigrant Services Program (RISP); interpreters; Dr. Adriana Reppel, staff, and management of Gentle Dental; and the inspiring team at the Refugee Resettlement Coalition (RRC) of Lane County for their collaborative work to deliver urgent dental/oral health services to Afghan refugees. Together, they delivered a full-day clinic of critical dental cleanings and patient needs for Afghan refugees. But significant needs remain: saving natural teeth, replacing extracted teeth, and ensuring oral healthcare for asylum seekers who are not currently covered by the Oregon Health Plan (OHP).
If you can chip in, please contact RRC Dental Liaison Linda Lovick of the Integrated Health Team at lindablovick@gmail.com or click here: Online Donation | RISP Dental Needs (ddock.gives). Thank you.